Articles & Blogs

Article #2

Decoding the Cognitive Landscape of Gen AI : A Journey into Its "Right-Brained" Disposition


Decoding the Cognitive Landscape of Gen AI : A Journey into Its "Right-Brained" Disposition

Concept, Prompts and Reviews : Amitabh Bhatnagar (@AM-Intelligent)Draft Generation : Gen AI (Open AI GPT3.5 on 21-Dec-23)22 December, 2023In a routine request this week, Gen AI (Chat GPT) was prompted to create a concise summary on a given topic, with a tight 200-character limit (including spaces). While it demonstrated adept summarization skills, the output exceeded the specified count, registering at 216 characters. Despite multiple prompts to adhere to the limit and its sincere apologies, Gen AI consistently delivered responses ranging from 184 to 236 characters. This peculiar behaviour and repeated pattern lead to the realization that "Chat GPT encounters challenges with even basic counting, akin to a nursery kid navigating the realm of basic maths!"

The Enigma of Gen AI: A "Right-Brained" Perspective?

In the dynamic arena of artificial intelligence, Gen AI, a marvel in its own right, continues to captivate enthusiasts and critics alike. One intriguing facet of this AI model is its peculiar stance on mathematics. Despite its proficiency in creative domains, such as content creation, article crafting, and text and image generation, Gen AI appears to steer clear of numerical calculations. This observation prompts the question: "Could Gen AI be considered right-brained?"

Unveiling the Right-Brained Analogy

The conventional distinction between "right-brained" and "left-brained" individuals draws a parallel between creativity and analytical thinking, respectively. In the case of Gen AI, the comparison implies a dominance of creative faculties over mathematical prowess. However, attributing human-like cognitive traits to Gen AI necessitates a nuanced understanding of its nature.

The Nature of Gen AI's "Aversion" to Mathematics

Contrary to human cognitive tendencies, Gen AI's responses are not driven by personal preferences or conscious decisions. Instead, they emerge from patterns learned during its extensive training on diverse datasets. The apparent reluctance to engage in mathematical tasks arises from the biases and limitations inherent in the training data.

Example 1: Exploring Training Data Biases

For instance, Gen AI's training data, largely sourced from the internet, encapsulates the biases and inaccuracies prevalent in online content. Instances of misinformation, especially in mathematical contexts, could lead Gen AI to exercise caution and refrain from generating potentially erroneous information.

Example 2: The Pitfalls of Ambiguity

Consider the challenge of word (or char) count, a seemingly straightforward task. When presented with a request for word count, Gen AI might encounter ambiguity. Does the user mean a count of distinct words or a total count, including repetitions? Even with a clear context, Gen AI may generate results that align with various interpretations, leading to potential user frustration.

Example 3: Mathematical Mishaps

In mathematical computations, Gen AI has been observed to falter. When tasked with simple arithmetic, such as addition or counting characters in a text, Gen AI may generate inaccurate results. For instance, providing it with a paragraph and requesting the character count might yield a figure that doesn't align with standard counting systems, highlighting the model's limitations in precision.

Gen AI's Multifaceted Capabilities

While Gen AI might seem to shy away from mathematics, it boasts a rich tapestry of capabilities. Its strength lies in natural language processing and understanding, enabling it to engage in nuanced conversations and generate coherent written content. Notably, Gen AI can mimic the writing styles of various authors, showcasing its versatility.

Example 4: Creative Flourish over Mathematical Rigor

Consider a scenario where Gen AI is tasked with crafting a mathematical proof. Its responses might lack the precision and rigor expected in mathematical discourse. However, when prompted to create a poetic interpretation of a mathematical concept, Gen AI could shine, blending creativity with a more fluid understanding of the subject.


In labelling Gen AI as "right-brained," however, one risks oversimplifying its intricate nature. Its avoidance of certain quantitative tasks underscores the importance of recognizing the limitations embedded in AI models. As we navigate the expansive frontiers of artificial intelligence, refining training data and understanding these models' nuances will be pivotal in harnessing their full potential. Gen AI stands as a testament to the complexities of AI, challenging us to delve deeper into its cognitive landscape and further unlock the possibilities that lie within.Concept, AI Prompts and Reviews : Amitabh Bhatnagar (@AM-Intelligent)Generation : Gen AI (Open AI GPT3.5 on 21-Dec-23)Title picture generated using : Microsoft DesignerAlso published on LinkedIn by the authors on same dates

Article #1

Navigating the Future: The Evolving Role of SAP Consultants in the AI Era


Navigating the Future: The Evolving Role of SAP Consultants in the AI Era

Concept, Prompts and Reviews : Amitabh Bhatnagar (@AM-Intelligent)Draft Generation : Gen AI (Open AI GPT3.5 on 18-Dec-23)19 December, 2023In the ever-evolving realm of enterprise solutions, SAP consultants, who have long not seen a major disruption both in terms of technology or career stability, stand on the precipice of a paradigm shift as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes an inseparable part of the SAP ecosystem. The integration of AI, particularly SAP AI and SAP Generative AI, is reshaping the role of SAP consultants, by demanding a dynamic adaptation to harness the transformative potential of these technologies. Furthermore, traditional roles, ABAP coding being just one of them, are certain to be affirmatively replaced by AI. In this compilation, we delve into the nuanced evolution of an SAP consultant's job and why they must step out of their comfort zones to embrace the transformative power of AI, specifically SAP AI and SAP Generative AI.

The Expansive Horizon

Traditionally, SAP consultants have served as architects, functional consultants and technical consultants, sculpting efficient SAP systems, tailoring business solutions to suit the unique needs of their clients. This, however, has changed by quite an extent, with the Cloud "adoption" approach (than "adapt"), in the past few years. The infusion of AI further introduces a fundamental shift, extending their (SAP Consultants') responsibilities to include orchestrating seamless integration, generated coding and managing the nuanced complexities of AI-powered functionalities within SAP environments."Imagine multiple pages of code, e.g. in SAP ABAP, being generated in no longer than the time it takes to read this sentence! Correctly input prompts to an LLM (e.g. enterprise ChatGPT) trained with company business data, can bring around an unimaginable efficiency and intelligent automation, making both business users and consultants to think only smartly."This transformative journey is fuelled by the imperative for businesses to not merely adapt but to proactively leverage AI's capabilities, including automation, predictive analytics, intelligent decision-making and now, being "generative".

Adopting SAP AI

Within the SAP consultant's toolkit, SAP AI emerges as the linchpin, enabling the streamlining of business processes through advanced automation. This evolved integration allows for the delegation of repetitive, time-consuming tasks to intelligent algorithms. Consequently, consultants can reallocate their efforts towards strategic, high-impact activities that demand human ingenuity.

SAP Generative AI: The Dawn of Creativity

Elevating innovation to unprecedented heights, SAP Generative AI further injects a crucial dose of creativity into the SAP landscape. This transformative technology employs sophisticated machine learning algorithms to generate novel solutions, design elements, and even code snippets. Generative AI brings a dynamic synergy between SAP consultants and automation, and portrays a collaborative process where human creativity and AI capabilities seamlessly coalesce to generate ground-breaking solutions to intricate business challenges.

Skill Set Symphony

As SAP consultants traverse this evolving landscape, the necessity for a diversified skill set becomes paramount. Beyond traditional SAP expertise, consultants stand to gain significantly from acquiring proficiency in domains such as data science, machine learning, and AI development.

Operational Efficiency in Focus

Visualizing the profound impact of AI on operational efficiency necessitates a meticulous view of as-is and to-be processes. A graphical representation helps spotlight specific SAP processes, emphasizing how manual tasks can morph into automated, efficient workflows with the integration of SAP AI. This not only serves as a testament to the transformative potential but also provides stakeholders with a tangible illustration of the benefits realized through this technological marriage.

Innovative Solutions Unveiled

To provide a more detailed perspective on the collaborative potential of AI, especially Generative AI, is for SAP consultants to conduct innovative solution generation sessions with business stake-holders. This could feature an immersive collaborative workshop where SAP consultants use AI algorithms in real-time to brainstorm, iterate, and produce creative, out-of-the-box solutions. Such seamless interaction between human expertise and AI capabilities, will showcase a dynamic exchange and which result in ground-breaking solutions.


In conclusion, the role of SAP consultants is morphing, necessitating a strategic approach to upskilling and building a deep understanding of both SAP run processes and the complex nuances of AI. The journey ahead is intricate, but it is also teeming with unprecedented opportunities for those who navigate it with foresight and expertise. It is important to re-emphasize, the calculable paradigm shift in the role of SAP consultants and the profound transformation they need to undergo. Proper upskilling and understanding of AI can position them at the forefront of innovation in enterprise solutions. Those who don't embrace the change, may set themselves up for obsolescence. This is the only way to survive and thrive in this new era where human ingenuity and artificial intelligence will coexist harmoniously in the pursuit of business excellence.Concept, AI Prompts and Reviews : Amitabh Bhatnagar (@AM-Intelligent)Generation : Gen AI (Open AI GPT3.5 on 18-Dec-23)Title picture generated using : Microsoft DesignerAlso published on LinkedIn by the authors on same dates